Program Introduction
放映規格:互動 VR、混合實境 MR、走動 VR
片長:可任選 2-3 部影片觀賞,片長總計不得超過 50 分鐘。
Baby Frog
高逸軍 KAO Yi-chun|台灣 Taiwan|2024|互動 VR|Color|8min|無對白
*階段性成果 Prototype
2024 高雄電影節 高雄原創 VR
Kaohsiung VR FILM LAB, Kaohsiung FF
《小蛙》是「VR 罪系列」的第二部曲,延續第一部曲《迷路》的沉浸式體驗,這次化為互動式的動作冒險。故事中,小蛙的好朋友大蛙被巨人抓走身陷危險,我們將深入這個邪惡的巨人國度,一同幫助小蛙找到牠最好的朋友大蛙。《小蛙》故事共有三個篇章,此篇為第一章「冒險啟程」,將透過觀眾的手掌與劇中角色互動,展開故事的首篇劇情。
Baby Frog is the second episode of the "Immersive Criminology Series" and continues the immersive experience of the first VR story LOST. This time it presents an interactive adventure. In this episode, Baby Frog's best friend, Big Frog, was captured by a giant and is in grave danger. We will venture into the evil giant's kingdom to help Baby Frog find Big Frog. Baby Frog consists of three chapters. In Part 1, "The Adventure Begins," we need to use our hands to interact with the characters on the journey to get back the Big Frog.
杰爾曼海勒 German HELLER|阿根廷 Argentina|2022|混合實境 MR|Color|20min|英語
This work is a single-player experience, not a multiplayer connection.
2022 威尼斯影展沉浸式內容評審團特別獎 Special Jury Prize for Venice Immersive, Venice FF
2023 新影像藝術節互動獎 Interactivity prize New Images Festival
2023 西南偏南影展 SXSW FF
2023 高雄電影節 Kaohsiung FF
由阿根廷知名團隊 3dar 開發製作的《蛋蛋大逃殺》,接連獲得威尼斯、西南偏南等影展高人氣背書,亦在 2023 年雄影大獲好評。阿根廷導演杰爾曼海勒創造出 XR 史上首座「微型虛擬遊樂園」,是虛擬實境影像產業的革命之作。
Eggscape is a revolutionary mixed reality game where the player embodies a charismatic egg character, and navigates the vivid 3D virtual scenes, while narrowly escaping a relentless invasion of alien robots.
法比托希區特 Fabito RYCHTER、阿米爾阿居莫尼 Amir ADMONI|巴西 Brazil|2021|走動 VR|Color|20 min|英語
2021 威尼斯影展 Venice FF
2022 高雄電影節 VR 沉浸體驗獎 VR Immersive Award, Kaohsiung FF
2022 新影像藝術節 NewImages Festival
Lavrynthos places you at the heart of the Labyrinth of Crete to tell you the story of the unlikely relationship between the Minotaur and his next meal: a girl named Cora.
Oto's Planet
關奈爾弗朗索瓦 Gwenael FRANÇOIS|盧森堡 Luxembourg|2024|互動 VR|彩色|28min|英語、法語
※ 海報與劇照提供:© Skill Lab
2024 安錫動畫影展 Annecy International Animated FF
2024 威尼斯影展沉浸式內容評審團特別獎 Special Jury Prize for Venice Immersive, Venice FF
2024 高雄電影節 XR 國際競賽 XR Competition, Kaohsiung FF
2024 日本 Beyond The Frame 影展最佳 VR 大賞 Grand Prix, Beyond the Frame Festival
This interactive VR tale follows the quiet lives of Oto and Skippy on their tiny planet, disrupted by Exo, a cosmonaut whose spaceship crashes there. Helped by the user, Oto tries to grab a fruit but accidentally causes a shockwave that attracts Exo's ship which crashes on the planet. Their cohabitation proves difficult, with communication barriers and Exo's territorial behavior. Their conflicts escalate until a meteor shower hits the planet, leading to unforeseen consequences for both characters.
Gargoyle Doyle
伊森沙夫特 Ethan SHAFTEL|美國 USA、阿根廷 Argentina、奧地利 Austria|2023|互動 VR|Color|38min|華語、英語
※ 海報與劇照提供:© easyAction Group LLC
※ 中文配音版本提供:高雄市電影館
2023 威尼斯影展 Venice FF
2024 安錫動畫影展最佳 VR 作品水晶獎 Cristal for the Best VR Work, Annecy International Animated FF
2024 新影像藝術節 NewImages Festival
在這個幽暗無聊的小凹室內,杜爾與查特展開了數百年的對話。他們見證這座哥德式教堂漫長的建造歷史,見證黑死病如何重創人類,見證大革命帶來的轉變,也見證了 20 世紀的各種摩登新玩意兒。最後,當年的工程意外,竟由一篇都市更新的報導揭開了真正的答案……。到最後,石像鬼究竟能不能看到祂心心念念的日出?
Doyle is a self-important gargoyle damaged during installation at the cathedral's main entrance. Relegated to a back alcove, Doyle finds himself stuck next to Chet, a decorative metal rain gutter who never shuts up. This cinematic narrative for the era of spatial computing takes you seamlessly into the world of the characters.