Program Introduction
In the Shadow of Marcus Mountain
羅伯謝勒 Robert SCHALLER|美國 USA|2011|16mm|B&W|6min
2012 鹿特丹影展 IFF Rotterdam
Schaller uses his homemade pinhole camera to capture the landscape, attempting to reflect on the hypnagogic state between thought and perception. It is also a meditation on the profound changes that his son has brought to his life.
In the Heavens and on Earth
艾文懷斯格伯 Erin WEISGERBER|加拿大 Canada|2022|16mm|Color、B&W|12min
2023 卡羅維瓦利影展 Karlovy Vary IFF
2023 蒙特婁新電影影展 Festival du Nouveau Cinéma
2023 首爾實驗電影展 EXiS-Experimental Film and Video Festival in Seoul
16 毫米反轉片拍攝、手工沖印,所有的疊合影格都是在攝影機裡被創造出來,鏡頭朝向蒙特婁的舊建築以及城市植被。懷斯格伯以攝影眼的非常態視角和隨時正在重組的流動影像,瓦解日常可見景物的秩序。
All the images are created in-camera, shot and hand-processed on reversal film. The unconventional sightline of the camera eye and constant recomposition dissolve the hierarchies between the Montreal monument and urban flora.
Terminus for You
尼古拉斯雷 Nicolas REY|法國 France|1996|16mm|B&W|10min
2021 里斯本獨立影展 IndieLisboa
Passengers in the Paris metro move from one platform to another. Glimpses of words, titles torn from posters, are interspersed between these fleeting encounters. This playfully introduces different chapters.
Labodoble(亞歷珊卓摩拉蕾索瓦 Alexandra MORALESOVA、喬基巴格達薩洛夫 Georgy BAGDASAROV)|捷克 Czech Republic|2023|16mm|B&W|5min
Heliotropy is a veneration of the Sun impressed on film during the summer solstice observed from the plant-human perspective. The flora nourished by the sun passes from the image into a solution and with its juices develops its own image.
Instant Life
安亞多尼登 Anja DORNIEDEN、璜大衛岡薩雷斯摩洛伊 Juan David GONZÁLEZ MONROY、安德魯金 Andrew KIM|德國 Germany、美國 USA|2022|16mm|Color|27min
2022 柏林影展 Berlinale
1941 年原版《即時生活》放映結束後,導演發給觀眾沒有謎底的謎題紙片。1981 年,三部重拍版完成,沒有人看過。2014 年,跳蚤市場出現一卷《即時生活》錄影帶,現在要觀看的是根據錄影帶的重新創作。
In each screening of the 1941 Instant Life, the director would hand out a slip of paper with riddles. In 1981, the remakes were completed but no one ever saw it. The film you are about to watch is a recreation based on a VHS tape.
曾莉珺 TSENG Lichun|台灣 Taiwan、荷蘭 Netherlands|2010|16mm|B&W|5min
2013 紐約影展 New York FF
藉由高反差黑白膠卷的語言,呈現詩意的視覺影像,回應對澳洲原生草樹的感受。他似草也似樹,生長速度極緩慢,和土地與人有很深的關聯,他被稱為 Xanthorrhoea preissii,原住民稱他為貝爾加木。
High contrast black and white film was used to capture and document the movement of the grass tree, as a way to reflect their visual poetry. The scientific name of the grass tree is Xanthorrhoea preissii. People also call it Balga.