A Talk with Yin-shang Liu + The End of the Track

P, 6+
A Talk with Yin-shang Liu + The End of the Track

Program Introduction




片長:111 min




與引商阿姨對話 A Talk with Yin-shang Liu

溫知儀 WEN Chih-yi|台灣 Taiwan|2018|DCP|Colour, B&W|20 min


80歲的劉引商是台灣最重要的演員之一。1969年她在中視開台電視劇《晶晶》飾演母親走紅;2017年憑藉《順雲》奪得台北電影節最佳女配角獎;2022年辭世後,再以大愛電視《你好,我是誰》拿下亞洲影藝大獎(Asian Academy Creative Awards)最佳女配角獎。




"No matter what role I take, I give it my best shot. Foolishness is out of the question."—LIU Yin-shang

80 year old Yin-shang Liu is one of Taiwan's most important actresses known for her performances in TV series Jing-jing (1969) and feature film Cloudy (2017). The short film Sleeping with Her (2009) started an extraordinary friendship between director Wen and Liu, one which led to A Talk with Yin-shang Liu documenting the actress' impressive acting career, her inspiring outlook on life, and her hearty laughter. This film gathers several excerpts of Liu's performances, as well as the rare stills of The Prophet (1965), an experimental theatrical piece starring the actress and famed cinematographer Chuang Ling. A re-interpreted version of the piece by director SO Yo-hen in 2016 was also included in this documentary short. The screenings are in loving memory of actress Liu, who passed away on September 14, 2022.


跑道終點 The End of the Track

牟敦芾 MOU Tun-fei|台灣 Taiwan |1971 |DCP|B&W |91min


2018 TIDF台灣國際紀錄片影展




Tong and Yong-sheng are inseparable playmates, but when Yong-sheng died in a track and field training accident with Tong being present, Tong feels heartbroken and guilt-ridden. Being unforgiven and misunderstood by both families, Tong falls into a dark spiral. At the time, this film was banned due to its homosexual undertone and social critique, while some felt that certain segments drew comparison with Chen Yingzhen's short story "The Noodle Stall". After finishing this film, Mou was relocated in Hong Kong. The late actress Yin-shang Liu plays Yong-sheng's mother and shares several scenes with Tong, bringing out the dramatic tension between a mother who has lost her beloved son and the boy responsible for his death. The screenings are in loving memory of Liu, who passed away on September 14, 2022.