The Shape of Things to Come: CREATORS 5th Anniversary |Special Screening

The Shape of Things to Come: CREATORS 5th Anniversary |Special Screening

Program Introduction

張立人、成媛、芮蘭馨  CHANG Li-Ren, CHENG Yuan, RUI Lan-Xin
FM100.8(空間紀錄) FM100.8 (Spatial Record ver.)|29'10''|彩色有聲|2020


Bygone scenes that have been left behind, empty hallways and standardized entrances and rooms, and landscapes that have become outdated in today’s time, all of these seem to suggest a doctrine and order that used to exist and also a collective existence and action that used to take place. Similar experiences that had occurred throughout different periods in time seem to partially overlap and connect, as they interlock with one another in different times and spaces.  


洪瑋伶(安魂工作隊) HUNG Wei-Lin (Libera Work-gang)
寫字的人 Keep Writing|7'30''|彩色有聲|2019
From Industrial Research Institute of the Taiwan Governor-General's Office during the period of Japanese rule to the Nationalist government's Air Force Command Headquarters, and then Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab. While the building has played diverse roles in different eras, the man has been trapped inside and transcribed the “judgment” of military-political prisoners with rhythm continuously. The crimes are described in excruciating detail. Is he writing down the evidence recognized by the state or the confusion, separation, and nostalgia that passed through space and time? 


引爆火山工程  Engineering of Volcano Detonating
焱族:首部曲 The History of Yen|27'00''|彩色有聲|2021

《焱族:首部曲》緣起自大屯火山群周遭流傳的一種紅眼、紅皮膚的矮人傳說展開,連結至外星生命、飛碟目擊事件、古圖籍、遺跡與魔神仔的關係,凝聚各種異質知識在「火山」此一地理場域中的匯合,藉以編織一種朝向「火山之城」(The City on Volcanoes)在近未來的科幻敘事。

The History of Yen originated from the tales of a red-eyed, red-skinned short man who resides around Datun Volcano Group; the project depicts the connection between extraterrestrial life, UFO sightings, ancient tomes, relics, and devil gods (môo-sîn-á). Various heterogeneous knowledge is agglomerated in the geographical field of volcanoes, weaving into a science fiction narrative towards “The City on Volcanoes” in the near future. 


許哲瑜、陳琬尹 HSU Che-Yu, CHEN Wan-Yin 
編號314 Rabbit 314|7'17''|彩色無聲|2020


This work is a cooperation with HSU Che-Yu's long-time collaborator, scriptwriter Chen Wan-Yin. The death of a laboratory rabbit initiated this project. A glove puppetry performer with the laboratory rabbit's dead body in hand reenacts the movements - imagined by humans - of rabbits. 


許哲瑜、陳琬尹 HSU Che-Yu, CHEN Wan-Yin
一隻綠頭鴨的不尋常死亡 The Unusual Death of a Mallard|16'45''|彩色有聲|2020

This work is a cooperation between artist HSU Che-Yu and his long-time collaborator, scriptwriter CHEN Wan-Yin. As Hsu recalls, “My grandma served in an animal laboratory for 30 years. Due to the particularity of her job, grandma had to dissect living animals for observation and experiments. Sometimes, she would take the laboratory animals home, which later became my father's childhood playmates.” 


李亦凡 LI Yi-Fan
不好意思...請問一下這個怎麼打開 howdoyouturnthison|16'32''|彩色有聲|2021


A digital human appears in a strange manner, mumbling about childhood memories, the history of animation, and science fiction... The fragmented message subtly outlined the status of contemporary post-human. howdoyouturnthison uses virtual reality features in the game engine to develop his video performance tool and tries to manipulate the narrative based on the operation of Machinima during the 1990s. In this absurd research and development process, he disclosed the complex relationship between human emotional expression and the machine medium. 

放映地點 Venue|
國家電影及視聽文化中心 小影格
Cinema B, Taiwan Film and Audiovisual Institute
放映場次 Date
2022/09/02 (Fri.) – 09/04 (Sun.) 14:00-15:44
* 免費放映,自由入場 Free Admission
* 每場次依數字序放映六部影片,總長度104分鐘。
Each session screens six works in number sequence, total duration 104 mins

指導單位 Supervisor|文化部 Ministry of Culture 
主辦單位 Organizer|臺灣當代文化實驗場 Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab 
協辦單位 Collaborator|國家電影及視聽文化中心 Taiwan Film and Audiovisual Institute