Typhoon (Digital Restoration)

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Typhoon (Digital Restoration)

Program Introduction










颱風(數位修復版) Typhoon (Digital Restoration)

潘壘 Pan-Lei |1962 |台灣 |110min |黑白| DCP (Org: 35mm)




KAO Ta-Hao, a fugitive going into hiding, meets teenage runaway Hsiao-Shan at a train station. To cover for each other, they disguise themselves as a father and daughter and head up to Mt. Ali. Scholar HO Chih-Ping and wife Chun-Li, after working in Mt. Ali Weather Station for years, are bored by the monotony of their life. The arrival of Ta-Hao and Hsiao-Shan sets something off in Chun-Li. Hsiao-Shan treats Chun-Li like a mother, and Chun-Li grows fond of Ta-Hao. After Ta-Hao meets an innocent girl, Ah-Hung, he begins to re-evaluate his life. A storm inside each of them brews on the mountain.


《颱風》(1962)改編潘壘自己的中篇小說,把測候站的山屋營造成一個人際關係既緊密又疏離的封閉空間,人人各懷心事,情慾暗地竄流,在精彩的場面調度中用影像成功的拍出文學性。《颱風》是一部充滿現代風格的精煉小品, 傑出的美學成就備受邵逸夫激賞,也為潘壘敲開了邵氏大門,成為他導演生涯的轉捩點。


Typhoon (1962) is adapted from director PAN Lei’s novella. He sees the weather station cabin as a confined space where people are both close and alienated; everyone has something on their mind as desires pump through their veins. The extraordinary mise en scène successfully brings a literariness into moving images. With its aesthetic achievement highly praised by Run Run SHAW, the modernistic Typhoon became a turning point for PAN that opened up opportunities for him within the SHAW Brothers Studio.