Special Focus

Happy Children' s Day!

The spirit of Children's Day is to cherish the innocence and wonder that only children have before entering adulthood. Their eyes express endless curiosity, consistently searching for fresh experiences, so then what could satisfy their wildest desires more, than a visit to the movies where anything, and everything is possible?


Dedicated to all the kids and inner childs, three eccentric titles are here to stir up the fun of this special day; while The Diary of Paulina P. may provide inspiration for solving all the little life problems, The Wizard of Oz shall become a live-action storybook escape to a fantastic world, and only Bugsy Malone can prove that real criminals are never about size.


※ Traditional Chinese subtitles of the screenings do not include Zhuyin nor Chinese dubbing. Recommended for ages eight and above due to subtitle reading capability.

※ All screenings in this section welcome all ages and are family friendly. There may be children speaking or moving around occasionally. Thank you for your understanding and tolerance.