The Mountain + Imagining the Avant-garde: Film Experiments of the 1960s

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The Mountain + Imagining the Avant-garde: Film Experiments of the 1960s

Program Introduction









上山(數位修復版) The Mountain (Restored)


特別紀念 In Memoriam


陳耀圻 Richard Yao-chi CHEN|台灣 Taiwan|1966|B&W|DCP|19min


就讀藝專的黃永松、牟敦芾、黃貴蓉上山遊玩,三人各自抒發藝術抱負,以及對黨員才能領獎學金、越戰現況的看法,陳耀圻以〈California Dreamin'〉一曲貫穿全片,吐露時代苦悶。本片膠卷封存在 UCLA 教授車庫數十年,五十年後由影視聽中心數位修復。本次重映獻給今年甫逝世的黃永松。


The director follows three art college students Huang Yong-song, Mou Tun-fei, and Huang Gui-rong as they enjoy an excursion into the mountains. As the song "California Dreamin'" plays, the three talk about their artistic ideals, how only KMT party members were eligible for scholarships, and their view on the Vietnam War.



想像式前衛:1960s 的電影實驗 Imagining the Avant-garde: Film Experiments of the 1960s


韓湘寧 HAN Hsiang-ning、張照堂 CHANG Chao-tang...等|台灣 Taiwan|1965-1969|B&W, Color|DCP|50min


六十年前一群文藝青年在政治環境限制造成的「空缺」下,憑藉翻譯想像西方藝術電影樣貌,進行私密影像實驗,而今我們同樣僅能從殘存文字或說法,想像這些佚失的電影。「看不見」竟成為兩個時空的共同狀態。本節目由 TIDF 考掘策畫,發展上述「雙重想像」,依循多方史料找尋當年微光乍現的另類電影,作為過往時代的現實折射,它們的出土重啟了充滿「現代/前衛/實驗」精神的 1960 年代文藝風潮對話。這波電影實驗運動,可說是「想像式前衛」,而以策展企圖重現之,則是一種「前衛式想像」。


This program, curated by TIDF, explores the concept of "double imagination," delving into an alternative cinema that emerged amidst its historical context. These films, reflections of reality, resurface to engage with the avant-garde spirit of the 1960s artistic movement. This wave of cinematic experimentation epitomizes "Imagining the Avant-garde," while the curation attempts a "Reimagination of the avant-garde."



《想像式前衛:1960s 的電影實驗》片目:

Film List of "Imagining the Avant-garde: Film Experiments of the 1960s":


〈現代詩展1966〉Modern Poetry Exhibition/1966(本次放映為導演重新剪輯版,片長 4 分鐘。)


〈過節〉Getting Ready for Festival


〈生之美妙〉Joy of Life




※ 詳細影片介紹歡迎參閱TIDF網站:

For detailed film introductions, please visit the TIDF website.



  • Showtimes Auditorium Ticket Prices Ticket Availability
  • 2024.05.04(六) 13:30-14:40 Cinema B 220|文化幣青年特選場  Remaining Seats:35 TICKETS
  • 2024.05.25(六) 14:10-15:20 Cinema B 220  Remaining Seats:36 TICKETS