Prayer of the Priestess + I'm a Cyborg, But That's OK

PG-12, 12+
Prayer of the Priestess + I'm a Cyborg, But That's OK

Program Introduction








▲ 《巫女的祈禱》拷貝為非英語發音且無英文字幕 Prayer of the Priestess is a non-English language film without English subtitles.


★ 4/13 場次由策展人李愛玲與潔德巴捷特出席映後座談 Post-screening Q&A with Curator Elizabeth Gabrielle Lee & Jade Barget.



巫女的祈禱 Prayer of the Priestess


森萬里子 MORI Mariko|日本 Japan|1996|DCP|Color|5min




A silver-clad goddess-cyborg, embodied by Mariko Mori, gazes into a transparent orb with luminescent white eyes, set against the backdrop of a cold and imposing airport space. Manipulating the sphere, it appears as an unknown technology, a ceremonial tool, or a sacred object. Occasionally, a translucent halo surrounds her, like a soft, perhaps divine detachment from the airport surroundings. Prayer of the Priestess is a prayer suited for the logistical, global-supply chain, network technology age.



賽博格之戀 I'm a Cyborg, But That's OK


朴贊郁 PARK Chan-wook|南韓 South Korea|2006|DCP|Color|107min


2007 柏林影展亞佛雷德鮑爾獎 Alfred Bauer Award, Berlinale
2007 錫切斯影展最佳劇本 Best Screenplay, Sitges FF
2007 百想藝術大賞最佳新人男演員 Best New Actor, Baek Sang Art Awards




Convinced that she's a cyborg, a girl shuns human food and refuels herself by licking batteries. After she attempts to electrocute herself as a way to recharge, her mother checks her into a psychiatric hospital. She becomes romantically entangled with a kleptomaniac who helps her get revenge on the "white coats," or doctors. The abject brilliance of this arthouse rom-com captures a definitive Fatal & Fallen mantra — championing otherness and the refusal to conform.