The Wizard of Oz

G, 0+
The Wizard of Oz

Program Introduction








維多佛萊明 Victor FLEMING|美國 USA|1939|DCP|Color|102min


※ 海報與劇照提供:The Wizard of Oz © 1939 WBEI


1939 坎城影展正式競賽 Competition, Cannes FF

1940 奧斯卡金像獎最佳音樂、原創歌曲 Best Music & Best Original Song, Academy Awards


來不及躲避暴風雨的桃樂絲與愛狗托托,連人帶房被捲入龍捲風而昏迷。再次醒來時卻發現身處夢幻國度,且房屋意外將東方壞女巫壓死,解救了蠻支金人。掛念家人的桃樂絲在葛琳達仙女的指引下,沿著黃磚路尋找翡翠城中能實現所有願望的奧茲大法師。一路上結識沒有大腦的稻草人、沒有心的錫人及沒有膽量的獅子,四人帶著各自的心願前往目的地,卻沒發現西方壞女巫正在暗中埋伏,等待為姊妹報仇的機會。由茱蒂嘉蘭演唱的主題曲〈Somewhere Over the Rainbow〉膾炙人口直至現代。


Whipped away by a sudden tornado, Dorothy and her dog Toto lands in Oz, while accidentally killing the Wicked Witch of the East, saving the Munchkins from her torture. Eager to return home, Dorothy, together with her new friends, follows the yellow brick road leading to Emerald City where the almighty Wizard of Oz resides, but they must watch out for the vengeful Wicked Witch of the West!



※ 本專題放映影片均使用無注音中文字幕,亦無中文配音。若有閱讀字幕需求,觀影年齡建議為8歲以上。

Traditional Chinese subtitles of the screenings do not include Zhuyin nor Chinese dubbing. Recommended for ages eight and above due to subtitle reading capability.


※ 本單元場次為親子場,歡迎各種年齡的大小朋友,若小朋友有小聲說話、移動的需求,請大朋友多多尊重體諒。

All screenings in this section welcomes all ages and is family friendly. There may be children speaking or moving around occasionally, thank you for your understanding and tolerance.