Oliver+Jazz in Love

Oliver+Jazz in Love

Program Introduction



級別:輔15 PG15




奧利佛 Oliver

尼克.迪奧坎波 Nick DEOCAMPO|菲律賓Philippines|1983|BluRay|Colour|38min

「革命三部曲」 序曲,也是菲律賓首部描繪男同志的紀錄片。奧利佛在暗夜酒吧展演身體,是情慾流動,更是貧民區一家老小的溫飽所依。馬可仕政權的貪腐獨裁近20年,舉國深陷貧窮混亂,身體與社會的解放都蠢蠢欲動。山雨欲來的1980年代,紀錄片工作者也以攝影機投入改革。本片完成三年後,人民力量革命爆發,結束了馬可仕統治時代;而在本片邁向40週年的此刻,菲律賓迎來彼時獨裁者之子小馬可仕的執政時代。

The first installment in Nick DEOCAMPO’s ‘Ang Lungsod ng Tao ay Nasa Puso’ trilogy, Oliver follows a female impersonator who supports his family by performing in Manila’s gay bars. Shot in the final year of Marcos’s dictatorship and revolutionary times, it is one of the most compelling illustrations of the fluidity of sexuality, as well as of the power of human agency in times of hardship


傑斯戀愛中 Jazz in Love

貝比茹絲.維拉拉瑪 Baby Ruth VILLARAMA|菲律賓Philippines、德國Germany、法國France|2013|BluRay|Colour|75min

2013 釜山影展Busan IFF

2013 菲律賓獨立電影節Cinemalaya Independent FF


Jazz in Love tells the story of Jazz, a young man from Davao whose dream wedding is within reach, his German boyfriend of eleven months has proposed. Because no law allows him to get married in the Philippines, he must fly to Germany and tie the knot there. One of the things that stand in his way is his inability to speak Deutsch, and to address that he must temporarily relocate to Manila for language lessons. Meanwhile, his parents remain completely unaware of the radical changes that his life is about to undergo. In a society where homosexual relationship is often seen as outside the norm and a taboo, this film aims to normalise its lightness with clear metaphorical cues of two men in love from opposite ends of the world.