Lament of the Sand River

P, 6+
Lament of the Sand River

Program Introduction




片長:107 min




張志勇 CHANG Chi-yung│台灣 Taiwan│2000│DCP│Colour│107min


2000 亞太影展最佳導演、最佳配樂

2000 台北電影獎年度最佳配角、年度特別獎

2000 金馬獎最佳女配角、最佳美術設計、評審團特別獎

2001 全州影展






Bun-liong is a gentle, quiet young man whose only desire in life is to play his music. The movie alternates between scenes of his life traveling with a Taiwanese opera troupe and of each of his troubled visits to the village of his childhood by the Sand River. The story weaves a complex tapestry of a tragic life beginning in a destitute family and culminating in a failed marriage and the heartbreak of unrequited love. And through it all is his music, first the trumpet, then the saxophone, then the sad strains of the clarinet, filtering through the Sand River dusk, telling of a life of wanderlust and dreams unfulfilled. This film is rich with the atmosphere of Taiwan in the post-Japanese occupation years and includes many scenes of traditional Taiwanese opera. The screenings are in memory of director Chang Chi-yung, who passed away on November 16, 2022.


★ 12/24(六) 12:50 場次將由《沙河悲歌》錄音師、資深聲音設計杜篤之老師主講映後座談
The screening is followed by a post-screening talk.