The Peach Blossom Land

G, 0+
The Peach Blossom Land

Program Introduction




片長:107 min




賴聲川 Stan LAI│台灣 Taiwan│1992│DCP│Colour│107min


1992 東京影展銀櫻花獎

1992 金馬獎最佳男配角、最佳改編劇本

1993 柏林影展卡里加里獎






Two drama troupes happen to have to share the same auditorium for their rehearsals, and thus three stories intertwine on stage and screen. One is the play being rehearsed called "Secret Love," which begins with two lovers on a moon-lit date in a Shanghai park and ends in a hospital in Taipei, where the two aged lovers meet again after 40 years of separation caused by the Chinese Civil War. The second story is the play by the other theatre troupe, "Peach Blossom Land." Fisherman Tao leaves his wife, Spring Flower, who has had an affair with another man. Tao by chance enters a dreamlike utopia named "Peach Blossom Land," where Tao lives a carefree life and regains peace and tranquility. However, he still misses his wife in the outside world and returns home, only to find his wife and her lover have had a child and another failed marriage. The third story takes place between the two conflicting troupes and between the stage and the backstage. The screenings of this new 4K remastered version are held in loving memory of actor Ku Pao-ming, who passed away on March 19, 2022.