The Brave and the Evil

The Brave and the Evil

Program Introduction




片長:103 min




王羽 Jimmy WANG│台灣 Taiwan│1971│DCP│Colour│103min






Jimmy Wang (a.k.a. Jimmy Wang Yu), iconic martial arts film star in the 1960s and 1970s, stars as the charismatic Kung Fu master Iron Palm who crosses paths on the road with angry swordswoman Hung. She’s out to get revenge for her father who was killed by a band of ruthless bandits. After their fateful encounter, Iron Palm decides to covertly assist Hung in her quest.

Wang started his career at Shaw Brothers in 1963, and rose to fame for his leading role in One-Armed Swordsman (1967) by Chang Cheh. Aside from being known as "the biggest star of Asian martial arts cinema until the emergence of Bruce Lee" according to The New York Times, he also took the role as a director and screenwriter in the 1970s. In 2019, he earned the Lifetime Achievement accolade at the Golden Horse Awards. The screenings of the film are held in loving memory of this versatile filmmaker, who passed away on April 5, 2022.


★ 12/25 (日) 16:30 場次邀請知名影評人蒲鋒於映後導讀影片,並介紹王羽縱橫港台的影藝生涯。
The screening on December 25th will be followed by a post-screening talk.