Program Introduction
父子關係(數位修復版) The Two of Us (Restored)
李祐寧 LI You-ning│臺灣 Taiwan│1986│DCP│Colour│94 min
★1986 第23屆金馬獎最佳改編劇本
★1985 Best Adapted Screenplay, Golden Horse Awards
The film starts with the wedding vows and comes to the picture of a lovely family. However, it then shows up in the divorce agreement. The husband is under pressure from the creditors for his business failure. His wife cannot stand the situation and files for divorce. Their 7-year-old son, who used to have an ostentatious lifestyle, begins a chaotic life with his drunken father. It wasn’t until his son gets seriously sick that the father finally realizes his misbehavior. As the father changes the way treating his son, their relationship gradually gets better. How will the father and son face the challenge from the court that may separate them?
When the father and son move to the new place, they enjoy the window view together. Through this window, which symbolizes bright new days, the son observes the prosperous world and waits for his father to return home. The film includes elegant actresses SU Ming-ming and LIN Hsiu-ling. It also involves SIAO Hu-dou as a comedic creditor and Auntie Wun-ying showing the domineering characteristic before her iconic figure in Tropical Fish (1995). The set of the film shows scenery around the Port of Kaohsiung in the 1980s. It is a growing journey for the father and son as the theme music Song of Chang-san suggests the world is still full of grace.
★10.16 場次有映後座談 The screening on Oct. 16th will be followed by a Q&A session.