Program Introduction
霧裡的笛聲 Nature is Quietly Beautiful
曾壯祥 TSENG Chuang-hsiang │ 臺灣 Taiwan │ 1984 │ 16mm │ Colour │ 103min
新電影時期作品不多的曾壯祥導演,常以靜默片段營造角色的內在思緒,前作《兒子的大玩偶》之〈小琪的那頂帽子〉(改編自黃春明短篇小說)、後作《殺夫》(改編自李昂中篇小說)皆有相似的導演筆觸,形成一種心理劇(psychological drama)的特色。本片編劇則是新電影運動的熟面孔吳念真,一如他其他作品對於小人物的關懷和同情,本片聚焦在喪失至親的人物上,同時又因大環境改變而生計受困,大自然在片中變成既隔絕社會、卻又默默幫助眾人療癒傷口的雙重角色。
Nurse SYU Mei-yin arrives with her son Huai Gu at the misty tree farm deep in the mountains for her new position. The mother and son just lost their husband/father, and Huai Gu has been depressed. As the team leader of the declining forest farm,YIN Jhong-nan has been suffering from the death of his wife. He is incapable of raising his daughter Jia-jia, and feels helpless as the tree farm is about to close. One day, Jhong-nan has finally made up his mind to move out of the mountains with his daughter, while Huai Gu, after throwing a tantrum, gets lost in the mountains and hears the call of his deceased father from the mist. All is to be revealed…
Director TSENG Chuang-hsiang was not the most prolific during the Taiwan New Cinema period, yet he often uses silence in his films to reflect on the characters’ inner thoughts. His films share a similar directorial style, such as Vicki’s Hat in The Sandwich Man (1983), adapted from HUANG Chun-ming’s short story, and Woman of Wrath (1985), adapted from LI Ang’s novel, both of which fall into the genre of psychological drama. The screenwriter Nien-jen WU is no stranger to the Taiwan New Cinema. His works often show care and sympathy for ordinary people, and this film is no exception. The main characters lost their family and struggled to make ends meet at the turn of an era. The isolating nature is also what helps the characters heal.
★10.14 場次有映後座談 The screening on Oct. 14th will be followed by a Q&A session.