The Winter of 1905

The Winter of 1905

Program Introduction








一九零五的冬天 The Winter of 1905

余為政 YU Wei-cheng |香港 Hong Kong|1981|DCP|Colour|94 min


★1982 第19屆金馬獎最佳攝影提名




《一九零五的冬天》為余為政導演任職宏廣公司期間,與親友集資合力完成。「楊德昌首次參與編劇」、「詹宏志、余為彥、杜篤之、陳博文等新電影健將初登板」、「王俠軍與徐克跨刀主演」等,長年來成為本片噱頭,寫就了傳奇性。嚴肅的取材與處理、凝練沉緩的影像、任用非職業演員,諸多觀念與實踐之大膽,異於傳統商業片,亦早於《光陰的故事》等「新電影起點」,曾被坎城影展選片顧問皮耶里斯安(Pierre Rissient) 引介到法國參展。不過本片命運多舛,無緣找到發行商,因此臺灣未正式上映,是史冊必載且難得一見的珍品。


★1982 Nomination for Best Cinematography, Golden Horse Awards


This film is based on the New Cultural Movement’s pioneer, LI Shu-tong’s youth. Toward the end of the Qing dynasty, the waning empire was at the mercy of powerful countries. In 1905, Japan and Russia fought over China’s territory in Northeast China, outraging intellectuals. In the same year, LI, the cultured and affluent Shanghai youth grew tired of the political turmoil. He decided to relocate to Tokyo, in search of the peace of mind to study the arts. He studied painting and music, and acted in Shingeki. As he fell in love with a Japanese woman, Japan became home. However, his elite friends persuaded him to join the Chinese Revolutionary Party as political tensions rose. When turbulent times befall, who can stay uninvolved?


During YU Wei-cheng’s time at Wang Film Productions, he financed and completed this film with the help of family and friends. The film is considered legendary for being “Edward YANG’s first co-written film” and the first project of the New Wave giants - JAN Hung-tze, YU Wei-yen, TU Duu-chih, and CHEN Po-wen, etc. Also, the film starred crossover actors, Heinrich WANG and TSUI Hark. The film deals with a serious subject, uses condensed and slow images, and hires non-actors. Bold in many of its ideas and practices, it differed from traditional commercial films, and preceded the films that signaled the beginning of the New Wave, such as In Our Time (1982). It was once introduced to festivals in France by the Cannes programming consultant, Pierre Rissient. Despite the importance it has, this film proved to be ill-fated. It never found a distributor so was never officially released in Taiwan. It is an important entry in the history books and a rare gem.


★10.21 場次有映後座談 The screening on Oct. 21st will be followed by a Q&A session.