Program Introduction
北方旅館 Hôtel du Nord
Marcel Carné 馬賽.卡內 | B&W | DCP | 1938 | 法語 French | 100 mins
1940 紐約影評人協會最佳外語片提名
在一個北方旅館裡,來自各方的旅客投宿在此休憩,其中包括一對年輕情侶荷內和皮耶 。相愛至深的兩人對未來感到迷茫混沌,無力安身立命也沒錢能夠許諾未來,所以決定殉情而亡。皮埃爾先用槍射擊了蕾妮,卻無法面對自殺的恐懼。此時,聲響驚動了旅店內的艾蒙前來查看,看見倒臥殘喘的荷內,竟對她產生了情愫。
The Hôtel du Nord sits on the banks of the Canal St. Martin in a working-class district of Paris, a place where the dispossessed take refuge. A young couple, Renée and Pierre, are on the run and plan to kill themselves. But after Pierre shoots Renée, he cannot kill himself. A pimp, Edmond, hears the shot and rescues the wounded Renée. The police are called and do not believe the suicide pact. Pierre is jailed. Renée and Edmond begin courting, but the case against Pierre is dropped, and he is soon to be released.
Based on Eugene Dabit’s novel L’Hôtel du Nord published in 1929, the film is a classic French melodrama of the time. However, in the hands of Marcel Carné, it is also one of the most prestigious poetic realist films. With its sense of despair and hopelessness, its images linger in the mind and serve as a wonderful depiction of France in the interwar years.