Program Introduction
大幻影 La Grande Illusion
Jean Renoir 尚.雷諾瓦 | B&W | DCP | 1937 | 法語 French | 117 mins
1937 第5屆威尼斯影展最佳藝術貢獻、最佳外國影片入圍
1939 第11屆奧斯卡最佳影片提名
1939 第 6 屆紐約影評人協會最佳外語片
During World War I, two French aviators, the aristocratic Captain de Boëldieu and the working-class Lieutenant Maréchal, are shot down by the German flying ace, von Rauffenstien. Captured by the German army, they encounter a fellow prisoner, Rosenthal, a wealthy Jew planning to escape. As the two Frenchmen join Rosenthal in his escape, de Boëldieu and von Rauffenstien lament the days when aristocratic nobility crossed national borders.
Renoir’s acclaimed anti-war film, La Grande Illusion, is widely considered to be one of the greatest films ever made. Its portrayal of compassionate humanity across nations and classes implies commonality and human decency can be stronger bonds than national boundaries and political divisions. In 1937, the film was awarded Best Overall Artistic Contribution by the Venice International Film Festival and in 1939 became the first foreign-language film to be nominated for Best Picture at the Academy Awards.
講者|聞天祥 金馬影展執行委員會執行長