Program Introduction
奇怪真奇怪 Drôle de drame
Marcel Carné 馬賽.卡內 | B&W | DCP | 1937 | 法語 French | 109 mins
本片改編自約瑟夫.克勞斯頓的小說《他的初犯罪》(His First Offence)。馬賽.卡內一貫帶有黑色及犯罪的主題,這回藉著一場荒謬至極的設計,變成一部懸疑喜劇。人們苦中作樂,將生活寫成一本懸疑小說,有如謀殺案件苦思不得其所,怪事一齣又一齣。在真相大白之前,每個說話者都有嫌疑。
At a church meeting in Victorian London, Bishop Soper denounces scandalous literature, singling out the crime fiction of Felix Chapel. But Felix is, in fact, the pen-name of his own cousin, Irwin Molyneux. At the same time, across London police are searching for a serial murderer who is hiding out in Chinatown. "Felix" is hired by a newspaper to report on the case. How will Irwin protect his secret identity from his moralising cousin?
Based on a 1912 novel, His First Offence, written by J. Storer Clouston, Drôle de drame is a delightful black comedy. Set in a fictional Victorian London, Carné’s second directorial film brilliantly demonstrates his mastery of suspensful story-telling. And it contains a magnificent central performance by Michel Simon as the botony professor and secret crime writer.