Program Introduction
朗吉先生的罪行 Le Crime de Monsieur Lange
Jean Renoir 尚.雷諾瓦 | B&W | DCP | 1936 | 法語 French | 84 mins
Amédée Lange, works as a clerk for a publishing company, while writing pulp Western novels in his free time. Batala, the unscrupulous company owner, swindles employees and seduces female workers. But after falling prey to creditors, he fakes his own death in a train crash. With Batala gone, the workers form a cooperative and have great success with Lange’s novels. Until Batala returns and demands a slice of the profits.
Once again, Renoir channels his Popular Front credentials in this story of labor conflicts and workers’ emancipation at a time when Fascist groups were gaining popularity in France. According to François Truffaut: “Monsieur Lange is, of all Renoir’s films, the most spontaneous, the richest in miracles of camera work, and the most full of pure beauty and truth. In short, it is a film touched by divine grace.”