The Rice Dumpling Vendors(Restored)

PG-12, 12+
The Rice Dumpling Vendors(Restored)

Program Introduction







燒肉粽(數位修復版) The Rice Dumpling Vendors(Restored)

辛奇 Hsin Chi |1969 |台灣 |83min |黑白| DCP (Org: 35mm)





志明雖然家庭事業兩得意,卻被自己的情婦設計,誤會妻子「討契兄」而將她趕出家門。不久後,志明慘遭情婦侵吞財產,只好帶著三個小孩搬到矮房子生活。 孩子們瞞著父親打零工、賣肉粽,賺錢補貼家用,一家人飽嚐人情冷暖,經歷各種磨難後,這一家人是否還能重新團圓?


Tsi-Bing is living a wealthy and successful life. However, when he is manipulated by his mistress into believing that his wife is having an affair, he throws her out. When his mistress vanishes with all his money, Tsi-Bing is forced to relocate to a makeshift home with his three children, who are forced to take on various jobs, such as selling rice dumplings, to make ends meet. Will this unfortunate family be reunited one day?


本片原名《脫褲風波》,發想自台灣社會新聞,敘述男性失去了原有的社經地位,人生一敗塗地後,如何像通俗劇裡的女主角一樣,藉由犧牲受難重獲家庭地位 。與過往關注女性的通俗劇不同,這種「男性通俗劇」可說是台語片通俗劇的次類型。片中刻劃出有權勢的男性在谷底翻身,離家的女性自立更生,或許也暗示了60年代晚期社會現狀改變後,觀眾「不再天真,但仍美好」的家庭想像。本片收錄的主題曲《燒肉粽》男聲版由劉福助主唱,而反映小女孩賣肉粽的女聲版, 則是由童星時期的陳淑樺配唱,是非常難得一見的版本。


The story centers on a man who loses his social and economic status but manages to regain his place in his family through sacrifices – much like the experience of female protagonists in melodramas. And unlike the prevalent female-centric melodramas of the time, this male-centric narrative was recognized as part of a subgenre of Taiwanese-language melodrama. The depictions of a powerful male figure losing his power before finally turning the tide, and a woman able to support herself after leaving home, both suggest the changing attitudes of the late 60s as people grew less convinced of the perfect family, but could still find beauty in its cause.