Soil without Land

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Soil without Land

Program Introduction











無地之壤Soil without Land

南塔瓦.努班查邦Nontawat NUMBENCHAPOL|泰國Thailand|2019|DCP|Colour|80 min


2021 TIDF台灣國際紀錄片影展|亞洲視野競賽評審團特別獎

2019 Visions du Réel瑞士真實影展

2019 DMZ Docs 南韓DMZ國際紀錄片影展






For over 50 years, a civil war has been waged between the Shan people, the largest ethnic minority group in Burma, and the Burmese military. Jai Sang Lod, a young stateless Shan man living in the disputed borderlands between Burma and Northern Thailand, reluctantly submits himself to become a soldier for the Shan State Army. Trained to fight for Shan sovereignty as a lifetime duty, he yearns for a piece of identification and a steady living.


Nontawat NUMBENCHAPOL: 'I think that in the future, borders should become less and less—not just the geographic boundaries, but also the boundaries on sexuality, on the mutual acceptance of different ideas… In order to maintain power and rule their people, some countries ban freedom of speech, restrict freedom of the press, and block their citizens from the outside world, because these things will lead people to create their own identities and individuality, encouraging them to make choices for themselves. I hope in the future, everyone will be able to break free from the boundaries enforced by the authorities for the ease of ruling, get to choose one's own identity, and accept the differences in other people's identity in turn.'