最想念的季節(數位修復版) My Favorite Season (Restored)
陳坤厚 CHEN Kun-hou │ 臺灣 Taiwan │1985│DCP│Colour│99 min
《最想念的季節》改編自朱天文同名小說的都會愛情喜劇,不對未婚懷孕與假結婚進行道德批判,反而透過劉香妹的坦然,肯定女性意識覺醒。電影充滿八○年代氣息的台北街景,取景中華路、新公園與西門町等地。片中眾星雲集,有中氣十足的管管、吳念真、夏靖庭、楊麗音、小野等人客串演出。附帶一提,女主角找人假結婚的情節,源自於吳念真的真實經歷。唱情歌的李宗盛當年是純情乖僻的打字行老闆,鬼靈精怪的張艾嘉則完美詮釋敢於愛恨的都會女子,1985年李宗盛與張艾嘉合唱〈愛情有什麼道理〉、在《最想念的季節》搭配演出,如同電影中寶亮送給香妹又驚又喜的禮物──For my best friend,愛情沒有道理,惟友誼長存。
LIOU is an independent woman (Sylvia Chang Ai-jia) who is carrying a child tries to fake her marriage. LIOU meets Bi Bao-liang (Jonathan LI Zong-sheng) who has been single since he was born. LIOU thinks that Bi is an ideal partner for her project but Bi doesn’t feel that way at first. However, they eventually set an engagement for a year, start living together, and the story begins.
The film bases its story on the novel by CHU Tian-wen. It is a comedy of love in cities. It doesn’t make moral judgments on unmarried pregnancy and sham marriage. On the contrary, the film draws attention to the female consciousness. The scenes in film show what Taipei looks like in the 1980s. Interestingly, there are many brilliant people in the film, including writer Nian-jen WU and Guan-guan, and actress YANG Li-yin, and the fake marriage plot actually comes from the personal experience of Nian-jen WU. Leading actress Silvia CHANG gives the perfect performance in realizing love and hate as a modern woman. Along with her, LI Zong-sheng acts with his musical talent and they sing Any Reason for Love together. Regarding the relationship between them, the song suggests that love may not make sense but friendship will last.
★11.05 場次有映後座談 The screening on Nov. 5th will be followed by a Q&A session.