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【亞洲首映Asian Premiere】


離散與恆留 Leaving and Staying

弗柯・克普 Volker KOEPP|德國 Germany|2023|DCP|Colour, B&W|169 min










Uwe Johnson's final study in the English town of Sheerness featured a map of Mecklenburg, his childhood home he never revisited post-emigration. Conceived as a geobiography, this film follows Johnson's texts to locations from his life, encountering people and landscapes linked to his work, sometimes closely, sometimes more loosely.


‘My re-encounter with the writer Uwe Johnson was special for me: it seemed as if a survivor of the war had tried to write against forgetting. The present in 2018, however, was characterised by historical oblivion and the hopes of the 1990s for a more peaceful world had long since vanished after the apparent end of the Cold War. There had been Chechnya and Georgia, and Russia had recently annexed Crimea…


‘This is how I approached the content. Johnson's relationship to the landscapes of his homeland, his coming to terms with the post-war period, his “going and staying.” I had already filmed many landscapes in his regions and I often experienced that the people I met in the villages only became at home here after 1945. And I had always pointed out in my films that the north and east of Germany were always particularly affected by the devastation of wars and divisions and that everything was often completely desolate; this was the case from the 30-year war, death and the devil, right up to the effects of the Second World War in the last century. The affinity with Uwe Johnson's world became more and more apparent in many facets. That's why, impressed by the poetic power of Johnson's texts, I wanted to make this film.


‘The pandemic caused repeated interruptions after filming began. The current developments of 2020 to 2023 were suddenly very closely linked to Uwe Johnson's work. The dashed hopes of women in Belarus and the announcement of Russian manoeuvres. Finally, on February 24, 2022, the expansion of Russia's invasion to the whole of Ukraine. Now, at the beginning of 2023, it seems as if there had never been an end to the war.’ - Volker KOEPP


2023 Berlinale 柏林影展


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► 5.10-5.19 國家影視聽中心|臺灣當代文化實驗場C-LAB​|光點華山電影館|京站威秀



►TIDF IG:https://www.instagram.com/tidf.tw/


  • 場次 放映廳 票價 售票狀態
  • 2024.05.11(六) 12:00-14:49 大影格 120  151席 前往購票
  • 2024.05.19(日) 18:20-21:09 大影格 120  57席 前往購票