











【影人出席 異動公告】(公告日期2023年1月11日 15:30)




【Cancellation of Extended Discussion】(updated 2023/1/11 15:30)

Due to unforeseen circumstances, directors of Dry Ground Burning Joana PIMENTA and Adirley QUEIRÓS are not available to join the discussion online. Therefore the scheduled extended discussion followed by the【Special Presentation- Artist Differences】screening on 1/15 (Sun) is cancelled and we apologize for any inconveniences caused.

If you wish to request a full refund for the ticket to this special presentation, please contact Opentix (opentixservice@mail.npac-ntch.org) before January 15th 23:59, 2023.



此活動為2022年由紐約UnionDocs及葡萄牙獨立策展人Cíntia GIL發起,每月與世界各地之紀錄片影展合作,由該影展所選的在地影片與國外影片相互對話,透過線上放映、作家影片讀書會、實體放映與座談的形式,為紀錄片帶入更多新的脈絡、視角與討論。


Co-curated by UnionDocs and programmer Cíntia GIL, a monthly sequence of online film programs and study groups, along with physical screenings and public dialogues. Bringing a diverse, international audience on a journey to many places and new contexts, welcoming many different films, voices, ideas and visions.




旱地焰火 Dry Ground Burning

喬安娜.皮門塔Joana PIMENTA、阿迪烈.奎羅斯Adirley QUEIRÓS|葡萄牙Portugal、巴西Brazil|2022|DCP|Colour|153min|台灣首映 Taiwan Premiere


2022 法國真實電影節競賽首獎 Grand Prize, Cinéma du Réel

2022 科索沃國際紀錄片影展最佳紀錄長片 Best Feature Documentary, Dokufest

2022 柏林影展 Berlinale



巴西首都郊區的Sol Nascente貧民窟暴力猖獗,剛結束牢獄生活的莉亞重回於此,加入由同父異母姊姊奇塔拉所帶領的一支女力團夥.她們掌握了流淌地底的原油管線,建起煉油堡壘掠取黑金,賤售給當地的摩托車隊,以守護社區免於武警掃蕩盤查;她們堅決抵抗癱瘓不堪的市政治理和邊緣生存,自組監獄人民黨 ( PPP )挺身競選地區代表,渴求翻轉秩序的焰火燎原⋯⋯。


In the Sol Nascente favela on the outskirts of Brasilia, liquid gold sleeps beneath. Fearless Chitara has got a hold of a map of underground oil pipes, and embarks on a rebel against the everyday struggles. Her sister Léa who was recently released from prison is brought into the criminal enterprise named Gasolineiras de Kebradas, a group of all-female gang under the leadership of Chitara who are armed with rifles and refine illegally tapped oil in their own plant. A radical sisterhood of oil pirates fighting for community survival and economic independence rages on.




臨時工 Temporary

許慧如HSU Hui-ju|台灣Taiwan|2017|DCP|Colour|25min


2019 日本山形國際紀錄片影展 Yamagata IDFF

2017 台北金馬影展 TGHFF





HSU took a non-traditional approach to make this documentary. She hired three real-life temporary workers to play themselves in an abandoned factory, which is both their stage and where they build a temporary home. They live on the edge in between the real and virtual world, between city and wilderness, and between family life and homelessness.