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迷航Lost Course

李哲昕Jill LI|香港Hong Kong|2019|DCP|Colour|179 min


2021 TIDF台灣國際紀錄片影展亞洲視野競賽優等獎、華人紀錄片獎評審團特別獎&台灣影評人協會推薦獎

2020 IDFA阿姆斯特丹國際紀錄片影展

2020 Best Documentary, Golden Horse Awards金馬獎最佳紀錄片





The year was 2011: In Wukan, a village in Guangdong, China, corrupted officials had illegally sold the villagers’ land, and the villagers decided to fight back. From the outset of the protest, first-time documentary filmmaker Jill LI embedded herself in the community of Wukan for several years. She chronicled the complex experiences of three key figures in the movement, examining an unprecedented experiment in grassroots democracy and its fallout.


Jill LI: 'In November 2011, I headed to Wukan Village in Guangdong as a Hong Kong journalist reporting on a land rights dispute. At the time, I had only been a journalist for three months, and I was immediately transfixed by what I saw upon entering the village. The worldliness and broad mindset of the villagers completely shattered the stereotypes of Chinese farmers. My curiosity was ignited; I was determined to observe them over a long period of time from a documentary film perspective. I wanted to know if they would end up receiving the compensation they sought, while recording how they would change throughout the process. What I did not anticipate was for this filming and production process to span eight years. During the time, the changes in reality far exceeded my expectations, bringing many twists and challenges. Intuitively, I gradually shifted the focus from the incident itself to the characters and their decisions. Their tumultuous fate was like a magnifying glass that revealed, one by one, the deep textures of Chinese politics and society, as well as the complex and ever-changing nature of social movements and social reforms.'