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歸北者Shadow Flowers

李承俊YI Seungjun|南韓South Korea|2019|DCP|Colour|108 min


2021 TIDF 台灣國際紀錄片影展|亞洲視野競賽首獎

2019 IDFA 阿姆斯特丹國際紀錄片影展




李承俊:「脫北者就算抵達南韓,也無法劃下幸福快樂的句點,因為他們依然漂盪在分隔南北韓的冰冷惡水之間,未能與任何一方連結。因此我想讓觀眾關注這樣的荒謬現實,如何硬生生地阻饒想與所愛之人團聚的基本人道渴望。如果花朵只能以影子的方式存在,表示它失去了香氣與色彩,只剩下一個模糊的形體;人與所愛之人長久分隔之下,記憶也會日漸消逝。『Shadow Flowers(影子花)』這個片名所指涉的不只是主角金蓮希,更是所有家人分隔於兩韓的韓國人。」


KIM Ryun-hee, a North Korean housewife, was forced to come to South Korea and became its citizen against her will. She tried to smuggle herself out of the country, even sought political asylum at the Vietnamese Embassy, but all her efforts were in vain. As her seven years of struggle to return to her family in the North continues, political absurdity hinders her journey back to her loved ones.


YI Seungjun: 'The journey of North Korean defectors cannot reach a happy ending even when they arrive in the South. They are still drifting on the still-cold river of division, disconnected to both the North and the South. So I wanted to raise awareness about this absurdity that hinders a human desire to be together with her loved ones. If a flower exists in the form of shadow, it means that the flower doesn't have any scent or colour, leaving only its vague image. If you have been away from your beloved ones for a long time, your memories of them will weaken and diminish, as well. The title of this film indicates not only the main character but all the other Koreans, South or North, separated from their beloved families.'