
搶先看 - 現代啟示錄:終極版

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搶先看 - 現代啟示錄:終極版




《現代啟示錄:終極版》Apocalypse Now: Final Cut

法蘭西斯柯波拉 Francis Ford Coppola|美國US|1979|DCP|Color|182 min


★ 4K數位修復+杜比全景聲版臺灣首映

★ 1979 坎城影展金棕櫚獎

★ 1980 奧斯卡金像獎最佳聲音設計






《現代啟示錄:終極版》則是繼本片1979年院線版(片長152分鐘)、2001年重生版(Apocalypse Now Redux,片長202分鐘)後,最接近柯波拉心中理想樣貌的全新剪輯及修復版本,也是首次4K掃描原始底片素材、歷經11個月修復完成的影史磅礡之作,此版本採用最新的聲光科技:杜比視界高動態範圍(Dolby Vision HDR)及杜比全景聲(Dolby Atmos),在本片推出40週年之際,以完美的沉浸式音場包覆觀眾,重現70年代瘋狂而駭人的越戰景況,無論是叢林中熊熊燃燒的燒夷彈焰火,或是直升機群翱翔天際時的華格納〈女武神的飛行〉經典配樂,都將為影迷帶來全新的震撼視聽體驗。


Apocalypse Now tells a story about the Vietnam War. It follows Army Captain Willard (Martin Sheen), a troubled man sent on a dangerous and mesmerizing odyssey into Cambodia to assassinate a renegade American colonel named Kurtz (Marlon Brando), who has succumbed to the horrors of war and barricaded himself in a remote outpost. This is the first quadraphonic film in Hollywood. Like conducting a symphony orchestra, it creates a whole new division of sound department, converting realistic sound effects into non-realistic sounds to describe the character's psychological state, and therefore Walter Murch is regarded as the first "sound designer".


Re-released in 2019, the "Final Cut" version is a never-before-seen and newly restored cut of Francis Ford Coppola’s spectacular cinematic masterpiece in a way which the director believes “looks better than it has ever looked and sounds better than it has ever sounded”. The best visual and sound technologies have been used to present Coppola’s true vision of the film: one that delivers deep, visceral visual and auditory impact. “The audience will be able to see, hear and feel this film how I always hoped it could be-from the first ‘bang’ to the final whimper” said the film-maker.


Restored from the original negative for the first time ever, Apocalypse Now Final Cut is Coppola’s most complete version of his multi-awarded classic. This is the first time the original negative has ever been scanned and over 11 months and 2,700 hours were spent on cleaning and restoring the film’s 300,173 frames. Brought to life through ultra-vivid picture quality, delivering spectacular colours never before seen on a screen. It has also been mixed in Dolby Atmos to offer a truly immersive sound experience and it has been enhanced Meyer Sound Laboratories’ newly developed Sensual Sound, a technology engineered to output audio below the limits of human hearing.



◎ 12月4日場次映前座談講者:杜篤之,1978 年進入中影錄音室,在中影服務長達20 年。1989 年《悲情城市》首次採用同步錄音,為台灣錄音技術立下里程碑。2004 年創立聲色盒子,持續為台灣電影培養聲音工作者。此場映前座談將由杜篤之老師導聆影視聽中心的杜比全景聲系統。


The screening on December 4 will be opened with a pre-screening intro by legendary sound designer TU Duu-Chih.