Letters about the End of the World + Detours

Letters about the End of the World + Detours

Program Introduction







世界末日與寂地夢境 Letters about the End of the World

迪娜・卡拉曼Dina KARAMAN︱俄羅斯Russia︱2020︱Blu-ray︱Colour︱29 min

2021 威尼斯建築雙年展 Venice Architecture Biennale

2021 莫斯科國際實驗影展 Moscow International Experimental Film Festival

病毒來襲,疫情爆發,時間彷彿來到末日前夕, 21世紀的地球好似進入無人之境。與世隔絕之際,導演迪娜・卡拉曼以影像作為日記,從住處公寓的窗望向聖彼得堡這座城市。一幅幅寂寥荒蕪的城市地景映入眼簾,世界各地的人們以不同語言訴說著自身夢境,時而荒誕冷冽,時而童趣詼諧,交織成一章似幻似真的末日詩篇。

The deserted landscape of the new town which can be seen out of the window day after day, evokes mixed feelings between a dreamy fantasy and a suffocating imprisonment. It almost seems as if people have left this planet and only the small miniatures of builders remain continuing with the construction which they had begun.The voices of adults and children tell stories of isolation in different languages. Some are terrifying, while others are beautiful and fantastical and open to interpretation. They are addressed to the people of the 21st century, on the brink of an apocalyptical fear ahead of the new virus.

歧路風景 Detours

葉卡捷琳娜・塞倫金娜Ekaterina SELENKINA︱俄羅斯Russia、荷蘭Netherlands︱2021︱Blu-ray︱Colour︱73 min

2021 威尼斯影展國際影評人週新作者特別獎 Venice International Film Critics' Week - Best Director Award 'Premio Autrici Under 40’

2022 里斯本獨立影展 IndieLisboa


A sprawling meditation on the choreography of bodies in Moscow’s urban landscape, Detours depicts a new way of dealing illicit drugs via the Darknet, the layering of the physical and the virtual realities, as well as a poetics, and politics, of space. Taking place in sleepy neighborhoods, among the concrete walls of high-rises, behind garages and amidst abandoned railroads, the film alternately follows and loses track of Denis, the treasureman who hides stashes of drugs all over the city.

★ 10/2 (日) 14:00場次,創作者迪娜・卡拉曼及弗拉基米爾.納登將出席映後座談。

The screening on 10/2 will be followed by a Q&A session with filmmakers Dina KARAMAN and Vladimir NADEIN.